Stock Market
Securities are traded in the Capital Market with the purpose of meeting the capital needs of companies for the realization of long-term projects. Vector, within its Brokerage Services, offers the brokerage of shares, Ordinary Participation Certificates, Obligations and Securities listed in the SIC (International Quotation System).
Vector has been among the first places in Capital intermediation, thanks to the personalized advice we offer to our clients, which is necessary for the administration of their investments and the proper design of the Portfolios: tasks supported by our areas specialized in financial analysis and risks.
We have the best technology to help our clients make the best decisions. Through our equity area the client can develop his strategy to execute his operations in the BMV and / or BIVA.
Equity Investment instrument, its price and risk depend on the conditions of the company and the forecast of its future growth. Being a holder of a number of shares makes you a partner of the company.
The purchase of shares of different companies can help you diversify your portfolio and minimize the risk. The term in this value does not exist, since the decision to sell or retain it resides exclusively in the holder.
The price is based on the performance of the issuing company and the expectations of its development. Likewise, external elements that affect the market in general also influence its price.
The investor must carefully evaluate whether he can assume the implicit risk of investing in shares, if he prefers more conservative formulas, or a combination of both. In any case, the Stock Market must always be invested in order to obtain long-term gains, due to, with a good diversification, it is the best way to dilute the temporary losses of the market or of the share itself.
Professional advice in the Capital Market is essential, since our experts have the elements of analysis to evaluate the factors that could affect the price of a Share, both in the national and international economic environment (Technical Analysis) and in the company itself ( Fundamental Analysis financial situation, administration, valuation of the sector where it is developed, etc.)
Through the advice of our team of experts, we provide the necessary tools to obtain capital in the expansion, development and growth of companies. The Private Capital Market allows companies to plan their exit from the Exchange, at the time they have the right size and the best possible conditions.
In Vector, we provide Financial Advisory services in the processes related to the operation and efficiency of companies. We increase the value of your capital by creating strategies according to your interests, through a thorough analysis of opportunities and risks.
We participate as advisors in the design and implementation of Fusion and Acquisition strategies. We carry out a diagnosis of viability and convenience, through our highly effective Investment Analysis and Strategy Department, which provides not only relevant, timely and systematized information, but above all, an analytical opinion and judgment of the multiple elements that influence investment decisions.
They are credit titles that represent the individual participation of their holders in a collective credit constituted by the issuing company. The Obligations will have attached coupons and will give their holders, within each series, equal rights.
Securities listed in the International Quotation System (SIC)
The Global Mexican Stock Market is a mechanism designed to list and operate (within the scope of the Mexican Stock Exchange and under the regulatory and operational scheme of the SIC) securities that were not subject of public offer in Mexico, not registered in the Securities Section of the National Securities Registry, listed in foreign securities markets that have been recognized by the CNBV (National Banking and Securities Commission) or whose issuers have received the corresponding recognition by the mentioned Commission. Through the International Quotation System (SIC) you can operate securities from international exchanges such as companies in particular or ETF’s; Investment Funds with operating characteristics of a share.
For the Global Mexican Stock Market there are certain requirements established in the applicable Laws and Regulations, the possible acquirers of these securities are: Institutional Investors (PM) and Qualified Investors (PF).
- A Qualified Investor is considered to be the person who maintains, on average during the last year, investments in securities for an amount greater than or equal to 1,500,000 investment units (UDIS)
- That you have obtained in each of the last two years, gross annual income equal to or greater than 500,000 investment units.
- Likewise, it will be necessary for you to provide Vector Casa de Bolsa with a letter in which you state that you know that these securities are not registered in the CNVB Securities Registry as well as that you understand and assume the risks of investing in this type of securities.
Best Execution
De acuerdo con las modificaciones hechas a la circular única de casas de bolsas del pasado 04 de noviembre del 2021, las casas de bolsa deberán prever que sus sistemas de recepción y asignación de operaciones cuenten con mecanismos para el envío de posturas pasivas de valores de renta variable a las bolsas de valores. Asimismo, las casas de bolsa deberán contar con una metodología para la trasmisión de las posturas pasivas a las bolsas de valores; Esta no podrá establecer condiciones que generen sesgos que lleven a seleccionar o favorecer a una bolsa de valores en detrimento de otra.
Las casas de bolsa, en la determinación de la metodología para la trasmisión de las posturas pasivas a que alude el párrafo anterior, deberán incorporar la información de, al menos, los últimos tres meses de la totalidad de variables, que sea dada a conocer diariamente por las bolsas de valores en términos de las “Disposiciones de carácter general aplicables a las bolsas de valores”, publicadas en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 15 de mayo de 2017 y sus respectivas modificaciones.
Los criterios aplicados en la ejecución de las órdenes de sus clientes sobre valores de renta variable deberán cumplir con el deber de mejor ejecución. Siguiendo los siguientes factores:
- El mejor precio disponible en las bolsas de valores, dadas las condiciones de mercado al momento de la ejecución.
- El volumen de dicho valor disponible en las bolsas de valores; lo anterior, será aplicable únicamente en caso de que el cliente instruya a la casa de bolsa dar prioridad al volumen de su orden.
- En caso de que el factor a que se refiere la fracción 1 sea igual en las bolsas de valores o no se considere por instrucción del cliente conforme a la fracción 2, y el volumen disponible sea suficiente para satisfacer la instrucción del cliente en cualquiera de las bolsas de valores, entonces la casa de bolsa utilizará los criterios establecidos para ejecutar la instrucción de acuerdo a la mejor ejecución donde se utilizará la información de los últimos 90 días de la operatividad de ambas bolsas buscando la mayor probabilidad de ejecución sin generar sesgo en la operación.
La ponderación establecida por la casa de bolsa a cada una de las variables es:
Número de mensajes recibidos |
Número de órdenes de compra recibidas |
Número de órdenes de venta recibidas |
Número de Hechos registrados |
Importe diario operado |
Número de ordenes que fueron canceladas |
Número de ordenes que fueron modificadas durante el día |
Importe promedio por operación que se negoció en el día |
Volumen promedio por operación que se negoció en el día |
Importe promedio por orden de compra que se recibió en el día |
Volumen promedio por orden de compra que se recibió en el día |
Importe promedio por orden de venta que se recibió en el dia |
Volumen promedio por orden de venta que se recibió en el día |